Inherit the spirit of struggle and renew the demeanor of Laoshan


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  • 2020-08-27 Inherit the spirit of struggle and renew the demeanor of Laoshan

    Corporate culture is the soul of the company and the inheritance of the corporate spirit. On August 26, 2020, the internal corporate culture training course of "Inheriting the Spirit of Struggle and Revealing the Style of Laoshan" was held at the Laoshan Pipe Industry Technology Operation Headquarters!

  • 2020-07-13 Drunken Laoshan, Passionate Early Summer -----Laoshan Pipe Industry Mid-year Summary Meeting and "Drunken Laoshan Passionate Early Summer" barbecue party ended successfully

    On July 11, 2020, the mid-year summary meeting of Laoshan Pipe Industry Technology Operation Headquarters was held in the meeting room on the third floor of the company. The meeting kicked off in the Laoshan Pipe Industry Corporate Culture Display. 2020 is an extraordinary year. At the beginning of the year, under the sudden outbreak of the new crown epidemic, companies are facing the test of life and death, survival and death, panic and hesitation! The epidemic brought not only a life and death epidemic, but also a business "battle" that determined the fate of enterprises. The people in the Laoshan pipe industry are taking care of their family...

  • 2020-06-21 6.18 Laoshan Pipe Industry Network Marketing Plan Upgrade Training

    Under the influence of market economy changes and the "black swan" epidemic situation, the global economic downturn with uncertain factors is testing the ability of enterprises to adapt to market changes and survive and develop. The whole network marketing has entered people's sight and has become a key marketing model for the survival and economic development of enterprises.